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You can view our current class schedule  and sign up  on our Course Horse page. 


Accelerated Introduction to Drawing


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 
117 57th Street Floor 2, Brooklyn, New York 11220

In this intensive two hour class, students with learn how to correctly start a drawing through the process of straight line construction and comparison. The basic principles of light, shadow, and shading will also be discussed. This class is great for artists that would like to improve their technique and gain confidence in the embarkation of a new piece.


 (1) 2 hr session

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Cast Drawing and Developing Drawing Accuracy


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 


In this class we will focus on cast drawing and many of the fundamental skills necessary for an artist to achieve an illusion of reality in his or her work . Students will begin with a basic “block-in” construction which helps to build proper accuracy in tilt, comparing important visual alignments, shape, proportion and gesture. Discussion and development of various drawing techniques are an integral part of achieving a strong comparison to the subject matter and form an important part of the learning process. 
Modeling the three dimensional form follows next, as we learn how to better depict form convincingly/ realistically on a two dimensional surface. Students are trained to see the effects of light upon the form, and its many values truthfully.

Common problems that develop during the course of building an accurate representation of form in drawing are discussed.  Generous instructor advice is provided to each student in order to stop the struggles so many artists feel when trying to translate visual information accurately to their work.  The class will include lectures and demonstrations by the teacher as well as one-on -one critiques with students. Time will also be spent discussing the capabilities of materials and technique as well as some helpful ways to set yourself up for success.


4 sessions

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   All levels



Introduction to Drawing and Critical Drawing Techniques


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 

This co-instructed class will serve as a fantastic introduction class for those begining their journey as an artist or wishing to improve and to master their skills in drawing. It is designed for those wishing to better understand critical drawing techniques that are essential to capturing what you see as an artist with accuracy, and with a much more realistic description of three dimensional form. 

This class will discuss basic concepts in drawing technique, the construction form by way of its basic geometric form, and thoughts on how to build a more effective and powerful composition which includes a sense of movement, light and shadow, or focal point. Concepts in shading technique, understanding the effects of light, and the strengths and weakeness of various drawing methodology will be discussed. 

Various types of drawing media and surfaces will be explored in an effort to understand their unique properties and capabilities. 

The class will include lectures and demonstrations by the teacher as well as one-on -one critiques with students. 

4 sessions

All levels


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Introduction to Écorché: Portrait Anatomy (Sculpture)


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 

Écorché sculpture workshop is strong method to master and to commit the complex forms of the human figure to memory. This course will focus on better understanding the skull and muscles of the face, as well as it's various facial features. Students will use oil-based clay on an armature to build a life size anatomical sculpture of the human head. They will first sculpt a life-size skull from an actual  plaster cast.  They will then proceed to sculpt the unique muscles of the face onto the skull. Students will learn through a series of master lectures on the anatomy of the head, anatomy textbooks, and photo as needed.



4 sessions

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Drawing Improvement Through Bargue Copying


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 

The Charles Bargue / Gerome  master drawings are a series of exercises ranging from simple to more advanced drawing.  Their purpose is help train the eye of the student to understand the effects of light and shadow and the illusion of form.  

In this class, students are shown how to reduce form into a simplified straight line construction, and soon the student progresses to rendering the form through light and shadow. This important class teaches students how to organize their drawing more effectively. Many of the old master's have copied from these plates in order to sharpen their skills. This class will surely sharpen your skills as well!



4 sessions

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Cast Drawing for Teens


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Brooklyn 

In this class we will focus on cast drawing and many of the fundamental skills necessary for an artist to achieve an illusion of reality in his or her work . Students will begin with a basic “block-in” construction which helps to build proper accuracy in tilt, comparing important visual alignments, shape, proportion and gesture. 

Discussion and development of various drawing techniques are an integral part of achieving a strong comparison to the subject matter and form an important part of the learning process.  Modeling the three dimensional form follows next, as we learn how to better depict form convincingly/ realistically on a two dimensional surface. Students are trained to see the effects of light upon the form, and its many values truthfully.

Common problems that develop during the course of building an accurate representation of form in drawing are discussed.  Generous instructor advice is provided to each student in order to stop the struggles so many artists feel when trying to translate visual information accurately to their work. The class will include lectures and demonstrations by the teacher as well as one-on -one critiques with students. Time will also be spent discussing the capabilities of materials and technique as well as some helpful ways to set yourself up for success.


4 sessions

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Introduction to Drawing for Teens


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park



 This co-instructed class will serve as a fantastic introduction class for those begining their journey as an artist or wishing to improve and to master their skills in drawing. It is designed for those wishing to better understand critical drawing techniques that are essential to capturing what you see as an artist with accuracy, and with a much more realistic description of three dimensional form. 

This class will discuss basic concepts in drawing technique, the construction form by way of its basic geometric form, and thoughts on how to build a more effective and powerful composition which includes a sense of movement, light and shadow, or focal point. Concepts in shading technique, understanding the effects of light, and the strengths and weakeness of various drawing methodology will be discussed. 

Various types of drawing media and surfaces will be explored in an effort to understand their unique properties and capabilities. 

The class will include lectures and demonstrations by the teacher as well as one-on -one critiques with students. 


4 sessions

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Equine Horse Anatomy Ecorche (Sculpture)


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 
117 57th Street Floor 2, Brooklyn, New York 11220


Learn the antomy of the horse in this intensive equine anatomy ecorche class. Students will be building their own anatomical horse in clay. This class will also include lectures and illustrative diagrams discussing the skeletal to muscular system of basic equine quadruped anatomy


4 sessions

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Introduction To Anatomy


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 


“Introduction To Anatomy and Figure Drawing ” with James Xavier Barbour-

Within this popular course on anatomy we will focus on better understanding the anatomical constructions of the human body as it relates to its essential skeletal system "architecture" and to its musculature system which provides its "dynamic force."

We will start by covering the skeletal system of the body and learning about the various  planes  and  variations  that are essential to providing the structure necessary to the body, and ultimately progress into exploring the musculature of the body  in terms of  its basic origin, insertion and  function. Students will work from life whenever possible from a real human skeleton, illustrated lectures, and books.   By better understanding the internal human anatomy that creates what the artist sees on the outside of the body and the movement of the figure in a pose, students will be better able to convey realistically the figure and to more accurately describe it in terms of modelling the form. 

The class will include lectures and demonstrations by the teacher as well as one-on -one critiques with students.

Time will also be spent discussing construction the figure, on proportions, discussing geometric anatomy, and various other
relationships needed to better capture the figure in drawing, painting, or sculpture.


4 sessions

All levels


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The Art of Silverpoint Drawing


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 
117 57th Street Floor 2, Brooklyn, New York 11220


Learn how to create a silverpoint drawing in the traditional way of the Old Masters. Students will learn the history of the craft, how to prepare the paper, and create a finished drawing in silver. 


4 sessions

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Anatomy Q & A  Lecture with James Xavier Barbour ( 1 night only)


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 


Two hour artistic anatomy lecture with James Xavier Barbour. Learn anatomy through a series of demonstrations, diagrams, and a real human skeleton.  Whatever your struggles with human anatomy may be ,  you will  have an opportunity to address your questions and  to walk away  with an improved understanding  that will serve you well  going forward in your respective field.


1 session (2 hr, question and answer session)

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Open Figure Drawing-Long Pose


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 
117 57th Street Floor 2, Brooklyn, New York 11220


Open nude figure drawing and painting session from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST. Two hour long pose. There are a limited number of easels and chair available. Feel free to bring your own portable easel or chair. 




The Art of Egg Tempera


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 
117 57th Street Floor 2, Brooklyn, New York 11220


Learn the art of traditional egg tempera painting. Students will learn the history of the craft, prepare panels, and practice the traditional technique of using powdered pigments and egg emulsion to create a finished work. 


4 sessions

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Still Life Painting, An Introduction


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 


Still-life paintings created today have the ability to provide a sense of what our time was like, what things we valued, what stories we choose to narrate as well as a testament to our technical proficiency. Having a solid foundation in the rudimentary language of painting can only make for a more formidable artist .   

Concerns about composition, juxtaposing imagery, personal and cultural identity, counterpoint, allegory, and narrative metaphors are some of the motifs to be explored. 

This exciting course explores this genre's vast conceptual possibilities yet remains grounded in a strong classical foundation. From a technical approach, a strong emphasis on drawing, value control, varying brush applications, transparent and semi-transparent color glazing, and form and edge resolution are all key lessons to be learned. 

The course begins with composition sketches developing into fully realized drawings. After transferring the drawing, layers of monochromatic paint is applied for the underpainting (open and closed grisaille) following with transparent and semi-transparent glazes of color until the process results in a finished painting.



4 sessions

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Artistic Dynamics of Light and Form


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 


In this class we will begin to understand the natural phenomena of light from the perspective of the visual artist. We will learn what light is and how it allows the artist to create and manipulate their work. Working on simple drawings of three dimensional objects both conceptually and from life will help us understand how light describes all forms, simple to complex. 

Much of what we will learn will be based in optics (science of light). Helpful diagrams will describe how light interacts with form and to what degree we are able to discern that interaction. Some ideas such as "form sense" or "being on the form" will be based on acquiring an acute level of concentration which allows an artist to think about and create very subtle forms. 

Most of our drawing time will be spent on drawings that help us understand and not on indulgent works of art. Rendering spheres, different colored objects, adding masses to already rendered objects, identifying the basics of light and form interaction are a few of the quick drawing exercises we'll be doing. 

A handout will be given will all notes at the beginning of each class.


4 sessions

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Introduction to Basic Sculpture


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 

Students will learn how to create art in a three dimensional perspective.  This fun, and  exciting class will introduce students to sculpture and  teach students  how  to sculpt in mediums such as  paper mache, and in  air hardening clay. Subject matter  will range in diversity, and will help each student to better understand how to effectively create in this wonderful creative medium.

4 sessions

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Introduction to Portraiture


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 

Portraiture forces us to confront the nature of our similarities and our differences. This Introduction to Portraiture master class will teach you how to produce an accurate and realistic representation of the portrait. The course will familiarize students with the sight-size method as an effective way to measure and assess one’s work. They will learn the proportions of the face, become more exact with their contours, and better understand the structure of its features.  In the tradition of the classical atelier method, students will copy from masterworks, study from human cast specimens, real human skulls and from the occasional model when needed. 

A simple method for blocking in the portrait is key to achieving likeness. Using careful construction students will gain and understanding the structure of a human head, from the underlying structural anatomy to the surface anatomy of all the features. We will use graphite pencils to achieve a beautiful and convincing portrait likeness. Students will learn how values describe three-dimensions on a flat surface using light and shadow pattern, and rendering the drawing using a specific organization of light.


4 sessions

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Red Chalk Drawing Class


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 


Learn to work in the style of the old master's  of the High Rennaissance in  traditional red chalk medium. Your drawing will  simulate the classical techniques  the great artists of that time period and you will walk away  with a  new appreciation  for this beautiful  drawing medium, and a new  valuable  set of skills.



4 sessions

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Free Expression Art Class


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 

Students learn about current artists, famous artists and various artistic style and explore each style as they  gradually explore their creativity and  increase their  self-esteem, focus, and communication skills through art. All students will receive nurturing, one-on-one encouragement and will learn a multitude of art techniques including painting on canvas, basic drawing, collage, mixed-media, basic pottery and more!


4 sessions

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Floral Painting


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 
117 57th Street Floor 2, Brooklyn, New York 11220


This class will explore the tradtional art of floral painting through a variety of oil painting techniques. 


4 sessions

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Alla Prima Portraiture Workshop


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 


Alla Prima means “all at once” and is traditionally painted within one session while the paint is still wet. You will learn exactly how this can be accomplished through daily demonstrations and individual instruction.  Each daily session the instructor will focus on a specific feature of the face.  Flesh-tones, construction of the head, pose and lighting will be thoroughly discussed. Each Student who attends will emerge with a stronger understanding alla prima portraiture, visual problem-solving skills as they relate to working from observation, and a  better understanding of the craft of oil painting. 

4 sessions

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Master Workshop in Portraiture Painting


at The Decorus Atelier of Figurative Art Sunset Park 
117 57th Street Floor 2, Brooklyn, New York 11220


Decorus Atelier instructor/ master artist Zimou Tan, a prize winner in the 2015 OPA and 2014-2015 ARC Salon competition finalist will instruct an exciting workshop on portrait painting for those who wish to excel in portraiture and improve technique.


4 sessions

All levels


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